Guiding Principles on Human Rights Impact Assessments of Trade and Investment Agreements

Guiding Principles on Human Rights Impact Assessments of Trade and Investment Agreements

Trade and investment agreements have a significant impact on human rights. They affect the ability of people to access essential services, earn a livelihood, and exercise their rights. However, the human rights impact of these agreements is often not adequately assessed and addressed. This has led to negative consequences for communities and individuals who have been adversely affected by trade and investment agreements. In recognition of this, there is a growing demand for human rights impact assessments (HRIAs) of trade and investment agreements. This article presents the guiding principles for conducting HRIAs of trade and investment agreements.

Transparency and Participation

Transparency and participation are fundamental to conducting a human rights impact assessment. The process of conducting an HRIA should be transparent, and the public should have access to information about the process and its outcomes. All stakeholders should be given an opportunity to participate in the assessment, including affected communities and vulnerable groups. This will ensure that the HRIA adequately captures the perspectives and concerns of those who will be affected by the trade and investment agreement.


A comprehensive HRIA should consider the full range of human rights, including economic, social, cultural, civil, and political rights. The assessment should also consider the potential impact of the trade and investment agreement on vulnerable groups, such as women, children, and indigenous peoples. A comprehensive assessment should adopt a human rights-based approach, which recognizes the inherent dignity and worth of every person and the need to promote and protect their human rights.

Independence and Impartiality

The HRIA should be conducted by independent experts who are impartial and free from any conflicts of interest. The experts should have the necessary expertise in human rights, trade, and investment. This will ensure that the assessment is objective and credible. It is also important that the HRIA is not influenced by the interests of any particular stakeholder, including governments, investors, or affected communities.


The HRIA should identify clear and measurable indicators to assess the impact of the trade and investment agreement on human rights. This will enable stakeholders to monitor and hold accountable those responsible for the implementation of the agreement. The HRIA should also outline the steps that can be taken to mitigate any negative impacts on human rights. This will help to ensure that the trade and investment agreement promotes and protects human rights.


Human rights impact assessments are a crucial tool for evaluating the impact of trade and investment agreements on human rights. The guiding principles outlined in this article provide a framework for conducting a comprehensive, transparent, and impartial HRIA. By adopting these principles, stakeholders can ensure that trade and investment agreements promote and protect human rights, and that the negative impacts on vulnerable groups are mitigated. Ultimately, a human rights-based approach to international trade and investment is essential for achieving sustainable development and ensuring that the benefits of global trade are shared equitably.